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  1. Blastrac DC 200 (web hero angle)
  2. Blastrac DC 200
  3. Blastrac DC 200
  4. Blastrac DC 200
  1. Blastrac DC 200 (web hero angle)
  2. Blastrac DC 200
  3. Blastrac DC 200
  4. Blastrac DC 200


Blastrac DC 200 是一种重负荷集尘系统,配有自动振动器清洁系统。它设计用于配合 Husqvarna Blastrac EBE 200V 立式抛丸机或 Husqvarna BMC 335 锯切机可在最艰巨的工况下作业。Blastrac DC 200 标配 M 级星形过滤器和 H14 HEPA 过滤器。此外,它还配备易于安装和处理的 Longopac® 装袋系统。自动振动器清洁系统可便捷地对主过滤器进行清洁。
显示 4 个功能

Clean and simple bag change

The Longopac® bag hose system ensures simple changes of the bag without any dust spills.

Longopac Bag cassette - official product image

Easy filter cleaning

The built-in filter shaker system cleans the filters effectively at a push of a button.

Web feature: DC 200-dust-free

Easy to manoeuvre

The dust collector is easy to manoeuvre and transport thanks to robust wheels with brake systems.

Web feature: DC 200 wheels

Efficient HEPA filters

The dust collector is equipped with both an M-class filter and an H14 HEPA filter.

Web feature: DC 200 filters


3 ph
额定输入功率13 千瓦
Air flow1,200 立方米每小时