
Husqvarna VARI-DRILL™ D20

  • Silber
Vari-Drill D 20
Artikelnummer: 582 00 47-01

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VARI-DRILL™ D20 gibt es in mehreren Varianten, finden Sie die passende.


581 99 98-01
Diameter mm
16 mm
582 00 29-01
Diameter mm
18 mm
582 00 30-01
Diameter mm
20 mm
582 00 36-01
Diameter mm
22 mm
582 00 37-01
Diameter mm
24 mm
582 00 39-01
Diameter mm
25 mm
582 00 40-01
Diameter mm
26 mm
582 00 42-01
Diameter mm
28 mm
582 00 43-01
Diameter mm
29 mm
582 00 44-01
Diameter mm
32 mm
582 00 45-01
Diameter mm
35 mm
582 00 46-01
Diameter mm
38 mm
582 00 47-01
Diameter mm
39 mm
582 19 72-01
Diameter mm
40 mm
582 00 48-01
Diameter mm
42 mm
582 00 50-01
Diameter mm
45 mm
582 00 51-01
Diameter mm
45 mm
582 00 52-01
Diameter mm
57 mm
582 00 53-01
Diameter mm
62 mm
589 75 54-01
Diameter mm
65 mm
582 00 54-01
Diameter mm
72 mm
589 75 55-01
Diameter mm
77 mm
582 00 55-01
Diameter mm
82 mm
582 00 56-01
Diameter mm
87 mm
582 00 57-01
Diameter mm
102 mm
582 00 58-01
Diameter mm
107 mm
582 00 59-01
Diameter mm
112 mm
589 75 56-01
Diameter mm
116 mm
582 00 60-01
Diameter mm
122 mm
589 75 57-01
Diameter mm
127 mm
582 00 61-01
Diameter mm
132 mm
582 00 62-01
Diameter mm
152 mm
582 00 63-01
Diameter mm
162 mm
582 00 64-01
Diameter mm
172 mm
582 00 65-01
Diameter mm
182 mm
582 00 67-01
Diameter mm
225 mm
582 00 69-01
Diameter mm
300 mm


Möchten Sie mehr erfahren? Erfahren Sie mehr über das Produkt, seine Funktionen und Vorteile.

DM 280, DS 450, AD 10

Heavy-duty applications

For heavy-duty applications like water evacuation, ventilation and plumbing channels, waste evacuation pipes, gas supply pipes and barriers.
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Ideal for concrete and hard materials

Developed for fast cutting in universal construction materials, with a focus on hard materials like granite and hard concrete.

Laser welded

Segments are attached to the tube by laser welding to minimise the risk of segment loss.
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Several smart accessories available

With accessories such as adapters, centering devices and extenders the drill job can be made easier.
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DM 280, DS 450, AD 10

Heavy-duty applications

For heavy-duty applications like water evacuation, ventilation and plumbing channels, waste evacuation pipes, gas supply pipes and barriers.

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Ideal for concrete and hard materials

Developed for fast cutting in universal construction materials, with a focus on hard materials like granite and hard concrete.

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Laser welded

Segments are attached to the tube by laser welding to minimise the risk of segment loss.

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Several smart accessories available

With accessories such as adapters, centering devices and extenders the drill job can be made easier.

Empfohlene Materialien für VARI-DRILL™ D20


  • Beton, hart
  • Naturstein

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