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SE-433 81 Partille Sweden
It is important to vibrate freshly poured concrete. The vibrations make the concrete fill out into all hollows of the construction. After vibration comes leveling which ensures every part of the newly poured concrete slab achieves the desired level. As the concrete slab hydrates and begins to set, it develops internal stresses. These stresses need to be relieved in a controlled way before they seek their own relief in the form of a random crack. Learn more about how to succeed with these steps in the concrete placement guide.
967 85 58-03
967 85 58-04
967 93 82-01
967 91 34-02
967 93 87-01
967 93 79-01
967 92 84-01
967 92 85-01
967 92 82-01
967 85 79-01
967 93 81-01
967 93 31-01
967 93 83-01
967 93 36-01
967 85 96-01
967 85 95-01
967 92 86-01
967 85 72-01
967 85 73-01
967 93 80-01
967 93 98-01
967 97 00-01
967 96 99-01
967 96 98-01
967 96 97-01
967 97 32-01
967 96 94-01
967 97 26-01
967 96 96-01
967 97 31-01
967 97 30-01
967 97 29-01
967 96 95-01
967 97 28-01
967 97 27-01
967 85 61-01
967 85 62-01
967 97 38-01
967 85 63-01
967 85 87-01
967 95 64-01
967 94 12-02
967 95 60-01
967 94 11-02
967 94 11-03
967 94 11-08
967 94 11-04
967 94 11-09
967 96 78-01
970 46 16-02
970 46 16-12
970 46 16-05
970 46 16-13
970 46 14-03
970 46 56-09
970 46 26-01
970 46 55-08
967 92 92-01
967 92 90-01
967 92 88-01
967 92 93-01
967 92 94-01
966 84 57-04
966 84 56-04
966 84 55-05
966 84 54-03
966 84 53-03
966 84 48-21
966 84 48-19
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