
Husqvarna PP 490

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PP 490

With Husqvarna PP 490 electric power pack you can power your large wall sawing system Husqvarna WS 482 HF, including the wire saw Husqvarna CS 10, as well as your Husqvarna PRIME™ handheld power cutters and drill motor. This means more work done with less equipment.

  • Menovitý prúd (3 fázy)
    32 A
  • Napätie
    380-480 V


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PP 490

Flexible and efficient

Thanks to that multiple products can use the same power pack, you will increase your efficiency. You will need less machines at the job site and it will be faster to set up all machines on one power pack.
PP 490

Compatible with the PRIME product range

PP 490 is designed to be used with K 6500, K 6500 Ring, K 6500 Chain and DM 650 in addition to WS 482 HF in order to help you on site. For instance when cutting a door opening, this modular system can handle both wall saw cuts and over cuts.

Adaptive regulation of software

A smart regulation of PP 490 gives WS 482 HF a fast adaptation of behaviour to different materials during cutting, similar to WS 220's behaviour.
PP 490

Minimálne množstvo kalu

Automatický vodný ventil znižuje spotrebu vody a zároveň aj produkciu kalu.
PP 490
PP 490

Flexible and efficient

Thanks to that multiple products can use the same power pack, you will increase your efficiency. You will need less machines at the job site and it will be faster to set up all machines on one power pack.

PP 490

Compatible with the PRIME product range

PP 490 is designed to be used with K 6500, K 6500 Ring, K 6500 Chain and DM 650 in addition to WS 482 HF in order to help you on site. For instance when cutting a door opening, this modular system can handle both wall saw cuts and over cuts.

PP 490

Adaptive regulation of software

A smart regulation of PP 490 gives WS 482 HF a fast adaptation of behaviour to different materials during cutting, similar to WS 220's behaviour.

PP 490

Minimálne množstvo kalu

Automatický vodný ventil znižuje spotrebu vody a zároveň aj produkciu kalu.



Menovitý prúd (3 fázy)
32 A
380-480 V


Hmotnosť, kg
25 kg

Súvisiace výrobky a príslušenstvo

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Prevziať zoznam dielov PP 490

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