Husqvarna Battery belt FLEXI

Battery belt FLEXI - adapter kit

Designed for use with Husqvarna Battery products, the Battery Belt FLEXI system is ideal for comfortable, productive working far away from an electrical outlet. By putting the weight on the user’s waist rather than the arms, it reduces fatigue for longer runtimes and more efficient working. It allows you the ability to carry spare batteries, oil, water and accessories easily wherever you go. Robustly constructed from high quality materials, it’s designed for flexibility, comfort and convenience. Kit 2: Belt • One carrier • One carrier with fixed adapter • Accessory bag For users with a new Husqvarna battery product (please note a software update is needed for pre-2017 products)

Références : BATTERY BELT BATTERY BELT FLEXI Adapter kit EU/ROW - 590 77 67-02

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