4.1 Základná technika


Basic cutting techniques

Get a grip on your cutting

  • Hold the rear handle with your right hand and the front handle with your left hand. Keep a firm grip with thumbs and fingers encircling both handles.
  • Adjust the blade guard so that the rear section is flush with the work piece. This is to protect you from spatter and sparks.
  • Before you start cutting, always make sure that you have good balance and a firm foothold.
Basic cutting techniques

Applying the cut

  • Important! For ergonomic and safety reasons, never cut above shoulder height. Stand on a scaffold or a platform (never a ladder) to make high cuts.
  • Apply the cutting blade gently at full throttle and maintain full speed until you’re finished.
  • To avoid injury if a kickback occurs, stand parallel to the cutting blade (instead of directly behind it).
Basic cutting techniques

Stay safe

  • Always maintain a safe distance from the blade when the engine is running.
  • Never force the machine or press the blade. Always cut straight. Pressure from the side can damage the blade and be potentially dangerous.

4.2 Operational safety

A kickback is the sudden upward motion of the power cutter that can occur if you stall t he blade in the wrong way. Another hazardous situation is when the blade is being pinched. Watch the video above or read about how to minimize the risk of kickbacks and pinched blades.

4.3 Horizontálne rezanie, vertikálne rezanie a rezanie potrubia

Tu je návod, ako rezať horizontálne a vertikálne a ako rezať potrubie. Pozrite si video napravo alebo si prečítajte pokyny nižšie.

Horizontálne rezanie:

  1. Najprv si označte miesto rezu.
  2. Ak režete horizontálne, začnite rezaním vodiaceho rezu hlbokého približne 2 cm. Režte zľava doprava, aby ste videli líniu rezu.
  3. Potom zarežte hlbšie krokovým rezaním približne 5 cm hlboko v každom kroku.

Vertikálne rezanie:

  1. Ak režete vertikálne, začnite rezaním vodiaceho rezu hlbokého približne 2 cm. Režte zdola nahor, aby ste videli líniu rezu.
  2. Potom zarežte hlbšie krokovým rezaním približne 5 cm hlboko v každom kroku. Režte zhora nadol. Najlepšie výsledky pri rezaní dosiahnete, ak budete udržiavať maximálne otáčky.

Rezanie potrubia:

Potrubie vždy režte v nasledujúcich troch krokoch.
  1. Pri rezaní potrubia začnite zvrchu.
  2. Potom prerežte jednu stranu potrubia zhora nadol.
  3. Presuňte sa na druhú stranu a rozrežte zvyšnú časť potrubia zhora nadol.

4.4 Pipe cutting

Here’s how to cut a pipe, with or without the pipe clamp.

Pipe cutting

1. To cut a pipe, start by cutting the top.
2. Then cut one side of the pipe from the top to the bottom.
3. Move to the other side and cut the remaining part of the pipe, from the top to the bottom.

Cutting with the pipe clamp

The pipe clamp accessory is the best way to cut pipes straight and in a safe way. 
Making the whole cut from above means less need for digging around the pipe, 
which saves a lot of working time and effort.

4.5 Mokré rezanie

Wet cutting

4 Wet Cutting

We recommend you to use water where possible. Wet cutting is better for you as an operator, the surrounding environment and the machine.

Dry cutting

4 Dry Cutting

We recommend that you use dry cutting for only a short period at a time. The reason for this is, that a dry cutting diamond blade needs to cool down occasionally to keep from being over heated and damaged.

4.7 Using DXR as a power pack

All DXR robots can be used as a power pack to power external hydraulic tool like hand saws and drilling motors.

External tool makes it easy for the operator to adjust pressure and flow to the external connected tool. Select correct pressure and flow to the external tool and press activate to power up the tool.

4.8 Spätné nárazy a zaseknutie


5 KV

KV7 & KV9/12 are cutting trolleys for the standard power cutters K 770, K 970 & K 1270 that makes the floor cutting safer and less strainful. Quick connections makes it easy and fast to switch between hand held and trolley operation. Adjustible cutting depth and water pressure tank are some of the features this versatile trolley holds.

Wheel kit

4 WheelKit

A wheel kit attached to your power cutter is a way to relieve strain when cutting in walls and floor. This accessory also protect the underside of the machine from scratches and dents. The wheel kit comes with integrated parking pads that prevents the machine from start rolling when placed on the ground. The wheel kit fits K 760/K 770/K 970/K 1270 and K 6500

4.9 Blade problems & blade sharpening

Kotúče vždy ostré a v dobrom stave

When blade problems occur they are often caused by the wrong blade being used f or the wrong job, the blade being used incorrectly or if there’s an equipment fault. Here are some examples of blade problems:
Trouble shooting

Strata napnutia.

Niektoré možné príčiny: kotúč je príliš tvrdý vo vzťahu k rezanému materiálu alebo sa kotúč používa pri nesprávnych otáčkach. Odporúčanie: vymeňte kotúč.

Trouble shooting


Some possible causes: the bond is too hard for the material being cut or the spindle bearings are worn. Recommendation: change the blade.


Možné príčina: na kotúč nebol pri umiestnení na rezaný materiál vyvinutý dostatočný tlak. Odporúčanie: naostrite kotúč.

Prasknutá stredová platňa.

Niektoré z možných príčin: tlak pri rezaní je príliš vysoký alebo sa prehrial kotúč z dôvodu nedostatočného prívodu vody. Odporúčanie: vymeňte kotúč.

Trouble shooting

Prasknutý segment.

Možné príčiny: kotúč je príliš tvrdý na rezaný materiál alebo je rýchlosť rezania príliš vysoká. Odporúčanie: vymeňte kotúč.

Kotúče nabrúste rezaním mäkkého materiálu, napríklad pieskovca alebo tehly.
W 1400-series