Diamond blades

Husqvarna ELITE-CUT W1640

  • Gold

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ELITE-CUT W1640 exists in multiple variants, find your perfect fit.


546 26 21-01
Diameter mm
600 mm
546 26 21-02
Diameter mm
600 mm
546 26 22-01
Diameter mm
700 mm
546 26 43-01
Diameter mm
800 mm
546 26 43-02
Diameter mm
800 mm
546 26 44-01
Diameter mm
900 mm
546 26 45-01
Diameter mm
1000 mm
546 26 45-02
Diameter mm
1000 mm
546 26 46-01
Diameter mm
1200 mm
546 26 46-02
Diameter mm
1200 mm
546 26 47-01
Diameter mm
1600 mm


Want to take a closer look? Learn more about the product in depth by exploring its features and benefits.

Wall saw blade in action

Optimal user experience

The short 20-mm segments have narrower gaps to provide greater stability and reduce vibrations while cutting. This greatly improves the operator's experience and the machine's performance.

Controlled diamond distribution

By controlling and adapting the concentration and positioning of the diamonds, we achieve consistent wear of the blade that lasts throughout its entire cutting life. This delivers an immediate and consistent smooth feeling for the operator, from the first cut to the last.

Cuts faster, lasts longer

The W1600 series cuts 20% faster and lasts 10% longer than the W1500 series thanks to the consistent blade wear.
W1600 wall saw blades in action

Wide application window

Optimised for cutting in highly reinforced concrete and abrasive concrete.
W1600 wall saw blades in action
Wall saw blade in action

Optimal user experience

The short 20-mm segments have narrower gaps to provide greater stability and reduce vibrations while cutting. This greatly improves the operator's experience and the machine's performance.


Controlled diamond distribution

By controlling and adapting the concentration and positioning of the diamonds, we achieve consistent wear of the blade that lasts throughout its entire cutting life. This delivers an immediate and consistent smooth feeling for the operator, from the first cut to the last.

W1600 wall saw blades in action

Cuts faster, lasts longer

The W1600 series cuts 20% faster and lasts 10% longer than the W1500 series thanks to the consistent blade wear.

W1600 wall saw blades in action

Wide application window

Optimised for cutting in highly reinforced concrete and abrasive concrete.

Recommended Materials for ELITE-CUT W1640


  • Highly reinforced concrete
  • Concrete soft
  • Abrasive
  • Cured concrete abrasive

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